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Business directory

Up-to-date data of all companies registered within KRS and CEIDG. Check it for free and download the documents.

Supplier financing

Speed up the payment for invoices and negotiate better conditions of cooperation with your contractors.

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Your company profile

Free and professional business card in the net. Fill in information about your company and stand out among your competitors.

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Requests for proposal

Do you sell? Check our database and place orders. Do you buy? Publish the RFP and find best suppliers.

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Purchase auctions

Negotiate the prices of products and services you purchase. Invite suppliers from and not registered on the platform to take part in the bidding.

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Catalogue of products

Add your products and services in order to promote them on the web. If you are looking for suppliers - check catalogs of other companies.

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Sales auctions

Thanks to bidding you gain access to wide range of companies and sell your product in competitive prices.

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Purchasing advisory

Optimization of purchase processes, sourcing, audits - our Specialists will help you in the most crucial tasks.

NIP Searcher

Use the convenient and easy-to-use NIP search engine and find any Polish taxpayer.

REGON Searcher

Use the REGON search engine and find economic entities operating in Poland.

KRS Searcher

Use the KRS search engine and find Polish companies, enterprises, associations, healthcare facilities and insolvent debtors.