Tomasz Rajca
ul. Wolności 18, 44-177 Chudów
TAX ID9691657999
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Tomasz Rajca
TAX ID9691657999
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ul. Wolności 18, 44-177 Chudów
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Dołącz do

Register Data

Full name

Tomasz Rajca


Correspondence address

ul. Wolności 18, 44-177 Chudów





Legal form

sole proprietorship

Register Address

ul. Wolności 18, 44-177 Chudów


Tomasz Rajca

Marriage Contract


Date of commencement of activity in CEIDG



Wyłącznie w formie spółki

Pkd codes

45.20.Z - Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles, excluding motorcycles

33.12.Z - Repair and maintenance of machinery

33.13.Z - Repair and maintenance of electronic and optical equipment

33.14.Z - Repair and maintenance of electrical equipment

33.15.Z - Repair and maintenance of ships and boats

33.16.Z - Repair and maintenance of aircraft and spacecraft

33.17.Z - Repair and maintenance of other transport equipment

33.19.Z - Repair and maintenance of other equipment

33.20.Z - Installation of industrial machinery and equipment and outfit

43.21.Z - Electrical installation

45.11.Z - Sale of cars and light motor vehicles

45.31.Z - Wholesale trade of motor vehicle parts and accessories, excluding motorcycles

45.32.Z - Retail trade of motor vehicle parts and accessories, excluding motorcycles

45.40.Z - Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and related parts and accessories

49.41.Z - Freight transport by road

73.11.Z - Advertising agencies activities

77.11.Z - Rental and leasing of cars and light motor vehicles

95.22.Z - Repair and maintenance of household appliances and home and garden equipment


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