ul. Boh. Warszawy 95, 11-200 Bartoszyce
TAX ID7431946984
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ALEO.com Companies Company services Audio, video and photo services Profile of company F.H.U. PAULINA CICHOWSKA-KULIGOWSKA
TAX ID7431946984
1.0 average of 1 ratings


ul. Boh. Warszawy 95, 11-200 Bartoszyce
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Register Data

Full name



Correspondence address

ul. Boh. Warszawy 95, 11-200 Bartoszyce





Legal form

sole proprietorship

Register Address

ul. Boh. Warszawy 95, 11-200 Bartoszyce



Marriage Contract


Date of commencement of activity in CEIDG




Pkd codes

74.20.Z - Photographic activities

49.39.Z - Other passenger land transport not elsewhere classified

59.12.Z - Motion picture, video and television programme post-production activities

59.13.Z - Motion picture, video and television programme distribution activities

59.20.Z - Sound recording and music publishing activities

64.92.Z - Other credit granting

77.11.Z - Rental and leasing of cars and light motor vehicles

77.12.Z - Rental and leasing of other motor vehicle, excluding motorcycles

95.11.Z - Repair and maintenance of computers and peripheral equipment

95.12.Z - Repair and maintenance of (tele)communication equipment

95.21.Z - Repair and maintenance of consumer electronics

95.22.Z - Repair and maintenance of household appliances and home and garden equipment

95.25.Z - Repair of watches, clocks and jewellery

95.29.Z - Repair of other personal and household goods


Opinions regarding services, products, and company activities are not verified. This means that ING Services for Business S.A., as the provider of the Aleo platform, does not ensure that the published opinions come from consumers who have used the product or availed of the company's services. However, we do strive to ensure that opinions do not violate universally applicable laws.

1/ 5.0
Based on 1 reviews
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Zbigniew Pieńkowski 2019-02-20 16:18:20
I bought a telephone from this pawnshop by olx, literally a month and a half, with the description "... is fully functional and well maintained". ANY words about the scratched and screened frame, side frames and backs. The phone looks worse than mine after 2 years of use - it has one large deep scratch and ripped 2 sides on the edge and a lot of other scratches and scratches. I immediately made a phone call to the company informing them that the condition of the received telephone departs from the state described in the announcement. I received a lady who categorically denied that it was impossible etc. and that I was exaggerating etc. I demanded talks with the owner and you informed me that she is the owner but she did not want to introduce herself by name. I said that due to the fact that we will not get a consensus, I wish to return the item purchased at a distance - Polish law gives you 2 weeks. The lady refused to accept the return saying that it depends on her good will and then disconnected the conversation told me that he did not want to talk more. Brazen and uninformed owner. I definitely do not recommend any transactions in this Lombardzie, and especially in the distance by OLX or similar - unreliable descriptions and photos! Olx account from 2012 Employee

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